
你好, 五月 !

从sem 3一开始就充满挑战了。呵呵。不过还好上天安排了solution给我去学习。让我在机缘巧合之下, 参加了生活营。我不知道那影响力可以带给我多久, 可是到现在它一直引领着我的心态往好的方向去。要学会与各式各样的人相处。这一直在关键时刻提醒我。有时候, 某些生活习惯上的不一样, 我不认同, 不跟随其实并不代表我讨厌。

之前, 我觉得自己蛮固执的 , 一直很渴望有知己 , 即使不在同一个城市里也无妨。可是当渴望开始影响自己的情绪, 何必捉着这渴望不放呢? 后来, 开始明白 , 每一个人生阶段里, 遇到的每一位都是缘分。只要是真心对待, 即使到最后分道扬镳了 , 也无遗憾不是吗?

心里孤独才是真正的孤单, 只有心理放下了, 才会觉得轻松。换一种人生方式, 让每一天更轻松自在。

可能是知道自己因为地区关系, 无法找到一份离家近的工作, 就比别人多了一份惆怅。离家一年, 觉得自己一直在漂泊, 因为无法住在家里的关系吗? 心诺是没有栖息的地方, 到哪里都是流浪。不过现在慢慢的调整自己的心态, 我是年轻人, 就应该要有年轻人的活力, 是受到慈济的影响吗? 我想是吧。真的很感恩我有妈妈哥哥姐姐帮我撑起的一片天。在那片天空下我很幸福。

让心静下来, 才能一步一步更稳的往前走。其实以前每次参加活动,接触新事物。心理是害怕的, 因为自己去嘛。就像跆拳道。后来, 后悔的是没有早点接触。哈哈哈。希望自己可以记住这一份感觉, 然后带着勇气去到任何想去的地方。

你好啊, 五月。我有预感, 这是个美好的五月天。因为心理充满了幸福感。


third week of sem 3..

New sem new challenge , new subjects are harder than before...life also getting harder...

I never feel so useless like this until last sem break ...when my mom's job is not that a lot compare before...but she never late to give me money , she never late to pay my hostel fee...yah ! Everything is still same like before..the amount of pocket money is still the same..the different thing is my heart , be a daughter and a student at the same time..i know how many year study for physio.. Am i still want my mommy to give me money for the degree life also ? I hv my new goals..i know how is going on ..i know what i am doing...

I am not cut all the activities ..i want my uni life be fun also..but i dont think eating the expensive food is very fun and it doesnt means uni life very fun with the expensive food...Fun is depends on who u go with not the food..i hang out with my friend and the cafeteria food..i though it's the good way to maintain in my uni life...i still can eat my cheaper food and hang out with my friends also and they still can eat the food they want to eat...

I think is good , but i am wrong...my friends dont think so..i am not understand too , what is the different ? The only thing different is just the food inside the stomach only... i though after i tell my reason to u , u can understand me...but it's seem like not ... the face that show u dont like me eat different food with u guys still there...and about jokes..i know is a  jokes...but the jokes is like a salt that putting on my wound...i can accept any jokes but except this..i dont know why i will feel hurt...i know i supposed to laugh at myself  and be like not care about that jokes.but i am human being also..if u still dont know what feeling is that , u can imaging people make the jokes on yr weakness , how was the feeling...

I am so sorry for rude or queit or anything that make u feel angry or anything that u feel and i dont know what is that...i apologized to u guys...i just need time ..i can recovery myself...Pu Sa give me these challege , because Pu Sa trust me that i can pass it and blessed me..